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Blurry Vison

blurry vision eye chartWhat is Blurry Vision?

Blurry vision is a common side effect that affects the eyes by decreasing the ability to see, making things appear out of focus, and reducing the ability to see details. Blurriness may be caused by neurological disorders, infections, autoimmune problems or average vision trouble. Although vision problems are typically genetic, blurry vision may be a sign of serious health conditions.

Blurred vision may be caused by the following:

  • dryness of the eyes or migraine headaches
  • glaucoma (damaged optic nerve), macular degeneration, or cataracts (clouding of the optical lense)
  • high blood pressure
  • diabetes
  • seizures (convulsions)
  • a stroke (loss of blood flow to certain areas of the brain)
  • temporal arteritis of a swelling of the artery which delivers blood to the eyes
  • certain medicines such as anticholinergics, blood pressure lowering drugs, anti-convulsants (medications for preventing seizures),  andtidepressants, medicines for heart problems, cortisone (a drug used to reduce inflammation or treat allergies, sciatica and arthritis)
Patients with vision that is blurry and accompanied by redness, discharge, pain, double vision, or loss of vision should contact their healthcare provider to prevent further damage.

How is Blurry Vision Treated?

Patients with blurry vision should determine the cause of their vision changes in order to properly treat their condition. If you have recently begun taking a medicine that has a side effect of blurry vision, consult your doctor about changing your dosage or ending your use of the drug if necessary. Continual blurry vision should be examined by an optometrist (eye doctor) to treat the underlying condition.

Further vision impairment may be prevented by wearing sunglasses, avoiding alcohol and smoking,  treating any blood pressure, cholesterol or blood sugar problems ou may have, and increasing your intake of antioxidants.