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If after following the ways to find your drug listed below you still do not find what you are searching for please feel request information with the form to the right and we will endeavor to provide you with your requested information within a few days.

Ways To Find Your Drug

Bad-Drug.net is a growing database of information relating to drugs that have garnered concern in the medical field due to increased health risks or mass recalls. With our simple search tools you will be able to find the bad drug you are looking for quick and easy. If you are searching for a drug and cannot find it in our list please let us know by filling out the form to the right and we will add it.

Locate a Drug on the Bad Drug List

Click the Bad Drug List tab on the toolbar to access a drop-down list of drugs that are either currently under review for serious side effects, or have been recalled by the FDA. Select your drug from the list, or double-click the tab to view all available bad drug articles.

Browse Drugs Alphabetically

If you are searching for a drug and are unsure of the correct spelling, utilize the A-Z list at the top of the Bad-Drug.net page. You may click on any individual letter to view every drug in that alphabetical category.

Search for Side Effects and Symptoms

Located on the upper right hand side of the page is the search bar. You can use this to not only quickly find a drug by its brand name, but its chemical name as well. This is also an excellent way to search for a drug by potential side effects or what it is intended to treat. The bar not only locates bad drug information, but articles and blog posts relevant to recalls, black box warnings, and increases in supervision over select medications.

Request a Bad Drug Page

If the drug you are looking for does not appear in our lists please complete the request form to the right.