Merck advertises the tag-line “Be well”, but their actions to push dangerous type-2 diabetes tretment Januvia reveal other priorities within the company. All eyes have been on American pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co. as it faces legal accusations concerning failure to warn of serious health hazards of this popular drug. Merck’s most recent reports indicate gains of $1.59 billion this quarter which had fell from $1.74 billion the previous quarter.
This drastic drop in net income has speculators wondering if Januvia’s side effects could be taking a toll on more than just diabetes patients.
Merck markets Januvia (sitagliptin) as an incretin mimetic class medication for effectively balancing blood-glucose levels and treating type-2 diabetes. Januvia prescription labels notify patients of a variety of complications associated with the treatment from headaches to upper respiratory infections.
However, the company allegedly neglects to mention the risk of the serious side effects of Januvia- acute pancreatitis, thyroid cancer, pancreatic cancer, and related fatalities. Lab tests suggest that Januvia and similar medications can significantly increase the risk of carcinomas as much as three-fold in some cases, as demonstrated by a study conducted by the University of California. While news reports indicate that Januvia has become a death sentence for some, what could it mean for Merck?
Since the arrival of Januvia to the medical market, 3 families have taken Merck & Co. to court for wrongful death lawsuits. And, more cases continue to unravel. Despite concerns regarding the safety of Januvia (sitagliptin), Merck & Co. turns their attention to further promoting sales. While a good reputation is more valuable than riches, Merck has been more than willing to put their name on the line for boosts in revenue. Merck will most likely persist in their promotion of Januvia until officials confirm the correlation between incretin mimetic medicines and cancers.
Unsurprisingly, Merck has since commented that “pressures on sales are greater than previously anticipated”. Sales of Merck’s money-maker Januvia plunged 4 % in May to $884 million. Many reason that the critical issues related to Januvia will continue sending the company on a downward spiral; only time will tell.
If you or a loved one has become a victim of Merck’s deceptive marketing of Januvia, use our “Request Attorney Assistance” form at the right of this page to get the compensation you deserve.