Tainted Brilliant Blue G Batch Results in Total Recall

Franck’s Compounding Lab in Ocala, Florida has now come under fire for releasing batches of Brilliant Blue G(BBG) dye that are not only tainted, but also not even approved for usage in the U.S.

Sudden outbreaks of fungal endophthalmitis- an eye infection commonly caused by bacteria- were investigated  after it was discovered that Brilliant Blue G from the same compound had been applied to all of the patients affected.

Fungal endophthalmitis is not a fancy name for pink eye- it is a serious eye infection that causes pain, redness, blurred, and even decreased vision. Though treatment is available, fungal endophthalmitis can permanently affect eyesight.

Reports of those affected by tainted BBG flooded in from several states, prompting the U.S. Food & Drug Administration to host a nationwide BBG recall on March 9, 2012.

Although only four batches have been officially reported as ‘tainted’, the U.S. Food & Drug Administration has issued a nationwide BBG recall, and is currently investigating how an unapproved drug so easily made its way onto the market, and into the eyes of unsuspecting patients.

