Ibogaine Treatment and Use
Ibogaine | 12-methoxyibogamine is a psychoactive drug being used experimentally to treat drug addiction and decrease symptoms of withdrawal without being addictive on its own. Formulations of the drug without its psychedelic properties are being developed. It is the first medication recorded to have effective treatment though multiple types of addiction.
How does Ibogaine work?
Ibogaine is naturally obtained from roots of a shrub called Tabernanthe iboga. It interrupts cycles chemical dependence in patients addicted to cocaine, morphine, amphetamines, alcohol and nicotine.
By reducing the level of dopamine in the body, Ibogaine counteracts the dopamine stimulation caused by the drugs listed above. When broken down in the liver, the chemicals stay active against opiate receptors for weeks to months. It effectively blocks cravings that were once habitual and decreases the withdrawal symptoms of many drugs.
Ibogaine Dosage Information
Ibogaine is administered in a single administration modality (SAM). This means that it is only given once during a detoxification period and is not given on a fixed basis. An Ibogaine treatment can last anywhere between 15 an 36 hours, which require close and constant supervision. A recovery period between one and seven days may be instituted.
Doses are measured out by practiced Ibogaine specialists based on a patient’s body weight and type of addiction.
Most people only require one detoxification period. However, many experience decreased risk of relapsing after multiple sessions.