Mifeprex Side Effects
Severe Side Effects of Mifeprex
- While some bleeding is normal during use, Mifeprex may cause excessive, fatal bleeding that requires immediate surgical care. Please see black box warning.
- Severe infection after abortion may result from taking Mifeprex.
- Fetal Deformity may occur if Mifeprex does not effectively cause an abortion.
- Mifeprex may cause severe endometritis or inflammation in the lining of the uterus.
Common Side Effects of Mifeprex
- More common and lesser side effects include abdominal and uterine cramping, loose stools, dizzy feelings, tiredness, upset stomach and vomiting, indigestion, and back and/or pelvic pain.
- Mifeprex may also cause anxious feelings, insomnia, anemia, viral infection, and fever.
Warnings & Recalls for Mifeprex
Black Box Warning for Mifeprex
- Mifeprex may cause fatal bleeding during the abortion process in some patients. Immediate surgical action is required if this occurs. While fatal bleeding is relatively rare, the danger of this side effect should be noted.
- Severe bacterial infections such as septic shock may occur while taking Mifeprex. Septic shock is a decrease in blood pressure caused by infection. The physician should notify patients of this serious risk.
Other Warnings for Mifeprex
- If Mifeprex fails to work, surgery may be required to end pregnancy.
- While some vaginal bleeding is normal during the abortion process, excessive bleeding may require immediate surgical attention to prevent fatal blood loss or hypovolemic shock.
- The patient should schedule a 14 day follow up after treatment with Mifeprex to confirm pregnancy termination and assess any additional bleeding.
- Mifeprex should not be prescribed to end ectopic pregnancy. During an ectopic pregnancy, the pregnancy occurs outside the uterus.
- Some drugs and foods may negatively interact with Mifeprex including erythromycin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, St. John's Wort, and grape juice.
Mifeprex Treatment and Use
Mifeprex | Mifepristone is an antiprogesterone agent prescribed to help induce an abortion within the first forty nine days of pregnancy. It is usually prescribed with Misoprostol for greater efficacy. Currently, Mifeprex is the only FDA approved fully legal drug on the market for abortion. While Mifeprex was still in trials, it was referred to as RU-486. During the U.S. trials, 92% of patients who took the drug had a complete abortion. Mifeprex is manufactured in the U.S. by Danko Laboratories and was initially approved by the FDA in September of 2000.
What does Mifeprex do?
Mifeprex aids in the early abortion process. It accomplishes this by interacting with progesterone receptor sites.
Mifeprex should only be administered by a medical professional in a hospital, medical office, or clinic in case emergency surgery is necessary. The usual dosage is 3 visits during which the physician administers the drug and monitors the patient. The first day, the patient signs a patient agreement and takes three 200 mg tablets of Mifeprex. On the third day, the physician may make the patient take 400 mcg of Misoprostol if needed. 14 days after the initial dose of Mifeprex, the patient must schedule a follow up during which the physician will assess the success of the abortion. Mifeprex is available as a light yellow 200 mg tablet with “mf” printed on one side.
Other Names for Mifeprex
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Lawsuits & Legal Information for Mifeprex
Dru Watkins
Posted on Feb 9, 2013