Sensipar Side Effects
Sensipar may cause
adverse side effects:
- upset stomach
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- dizziness
- weakness
- chest pain
Some adverse side effects of Sensipar can be serious. The following symptoms are uncommon, but if you experience any of them, call your doctor immediately:
- burning, tingling, or unusual feelings of the lips, tongue, fingers, or feet
- muscle aches or cramps
- sudden tightening of the muscles in the hands, feet, face, or throat
- seizures
- infection of dialysis access
Warnings & Recalls for Sensipar
- Hypocalcemia: Sensipar treatment should not be initiated if serum calcium is less than the lower limit of the normal range.
- Adynamic bone disease may occur secondary to suppressed intact parathyroid levels, so dose adjustments might be warranted.
- Do not take if cardiac function is impaired, such as hypotension, worsening heart failure, or arrhythmias.
- Hepatic impairement
- Seizures
In August of 2011, the FDA approved
safety labeling changes to Sensipar to reflect both the precautions and a list of adverse effects from seizures for this drug.
Sensipar Treatment and Use
Sensipar | Cinacalcet is a drug that’s used alone or can be used with other medications to treat secondary hyperparathyroidism in patients with chronic kidney disease who’re being treated with dialysis. Sensipar is also used to treat high levels of calcium in the blood of patients who might have parathyroid cancer. This drug classification is that of a calcimimetic and works by signaling the patient’s body to produce less parathyroid hormones in order to decrease the amount of calcium in the blood. Sensipar enhances the sensitivity of calcium sensing receptors to extracellular calcium, thus directly reducing levels of parathyroid and serum calcium levels.
In the US, it is marketed by the drug company Amgen and comes as a tablet to be administered orally. Its taken usually once per day with or without food.
Other Names for Sensipar
Lawsuits & Legal Information for Sensipar
Lainee Hooks
Posted on Jun 5, 2012