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Vigamox, 2.90 / 5 (31 votes)

Vigamox Side Effects

eye drop medication vigamox

Serious side effects of Vigamox

  • Like most medications, Vigamox may pose the risk for anaphylactic reactions caused by an allergic reaction. Seek medical help immediately if you take Vigamox and experience any unexplained airway obstruction, shortness of breath, swelling, fainting, or hives.

Common side effects of Vigamox

  • Most of Vigamox's less serious side effects occur in the eye. These include dryness, discomfort, pain, and itching.
  • This medication may cause the cornea to become inflamed, changes or loss in vision, or tearing in the eye.
  • Vigamox may also cause side effects that are unrelated to the eyes, such as infection, fever, cough, rash, runny nose, or sore throat.