Viramune Side Effects
Serious Side Effects:
- Rash outbreak
- Excessive weakness and tiredness
- Loss of hunger
- Dark urine
- Pale stools
- Yellow skin or eyes
- Pain in the stomach
- Chills, fever, soar throat
If you experience any of these side effects, call your doctor immediately.
Warnings & Recalls for Viramune
Viramune can cause fatal liver damage, skin or allergic reaction. Talk to you doctor about the risks of taking Viramune.
Viramune Treatment and Use
Viramune | Nevirapine is a medication used to treat the HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infection. The medication is used to treat patients who either have or do not have AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). Viramune is a non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.
How it Works:
Viramune decreases the amount of the HIVirus in the blood. It does not cure the virus, and may not work to prevent development of other HIV related illness. It will also not stop the spread of the virus to other people.
Dosing Information:
Viramune is usually taken as a tablet and liquid form, orally. Take it without food, once a day for a two week period. Then take it wtice a day for the next few weeks. Ask your doctor what dosage is right for you.
Other Names for Viramune
Brand Name:
Generic Name:
Lawsuits & Legal Information for Viramune
Posted on Oct 17, 2012