Advocacy Of Warning Against Bad Prescriptions

There’s a vast divide between what the government regards as adequate warning for the prescription of drugs that have failed in safety standards and what many people who are advocates for warning people about the hazards of a possible bad drug that might put them in danger put into practice.  As a result, many private citizens and groups are taking it upon themselves to be the voice that often counters what the government and the drug companies are saying when it comes to hazardous drugs and prescriptions.  A report from the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality showed that a study conducted from 2004 to 2008 found that in 2008 there were 1.9 million reactions to drugs ranging from skin irritations to poisoning from medications given in a hospital setting.  Growing in numbers and with the internet as an information resource, these outside groups are reputable and credible and this results in people not having to rely only on their physician or pharmacist to acquire the necessary knowledge as to what’s happening with their medication.

In a system rampant with medical coding errors and the sheer bureaucracy when it comes to the healthcare field, many consumers are advocating for voices in the general public who’ll spend time on the internet to write about adverse reactions to drugs that surprisingly have passed clinical trials by the FDA and drug companies.  What necessitates a drug recall often amounts to a certain number of factors such as including a severe amount of significant reactions and even death.  Nobody should be obliged to put a prescription in their body that has these potentially significant side effects.  And with powerful lobbyists in Washington and in state capitals in the pursuit of yielding profits in spite of potentially harmful side effects from drugs, there needs to be an initiative from the public domain to be discerning when it comes to bad drugs and who will post the possible negative consequences from them.

Speaking from an outsider’s viewpoint, the prospect of honesty on the behalf of the drug companies and many governmental organizations such as the FDA and its Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, which has been called by a spokesman of the FDA as “broken”, seems a bit dismal.  One should not underestimate the sort of overreach money interests present in these situations.

If there are independently based websites that monitor these sort of prescriptions, any potential consumer can rest assured that they are doing it to broadcast side effects and recalls exclusively because they have the consumer in mind.  They’re free from the entanglements of loyalty to a brand and usually are completely free from any sort of political bias.  In no particular terms is there any sort of likelihood to make a false generalization about a bad drug other than the truth.  Counting on a governmental body to do that usually happens under the threat of an emergency that has gotten out of hand.

Medication-Related Adverse Outcomes in U.S. Hospitals and Emergency Departments

2 Reviews of Advocacy Of Warning Against Bad Prescriptions

  1. camesha hobbs says:

