Profits Before Patients: Actos Bellwether Trial Update

The first bellwether trial against Actos manufacturer, Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. to place in Chicago this month where, a jury made their decision after only 2 hours of deliberation. The verdict? Not guilty.

Actos and Bladder Cancer

The type 2 diabetes drug, Actos, has come under fire in recent years as the primary cause of bladder cancer and other adverse side effects in its prescribed patients.  Takeda has faced hefty amounts of criticism for not properly informing medical professionals and users of risks associated with Actos such as dark urine, weight gain, changes in vision, ovulation, and bladder cancer. Pioglitazone, the active ingredient in Actos, drew concern of its inclusion in prescription drugs after studies proved that consumers were at an increased risk of bladder cancer.

Victim’s unhealthy lifestyle put him at risk

Diane Whitlatch, wife of the deceased William Whitlatch, filed a lawsuit against Takeda for the death of her husband which she claims, is their fault. Whitlatch is one of the 3,000 suits that are expected to go to trial in hopes of justifying the faults in Actos distribution. Victims of the drug, including Whitlatch, are seeking at least $10 million in damages for pain and suffering however, the possibility of receiving compensation may be slim. Takeda defense lawyers have created effective arguments against the plaintiffs, citing that Mr. Whitlatch was a white male, in his 50’s, overweight, and once a heavy smoker and that his unhealthy lifestyle put him at a high risk of bladder cancer, without the use of Actos. A 12-person jury found Takeda not guilty for the death of William Whitlach, and continue to strongly support the positive benefits their cancerous drug offers.

If you or a loved one has been effected by the type 2 diabetes drug, Actos, contact us today to receive the legal guidance you deserve!
