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Latisse Side Effects

Serious Side Effects of Latisse

  • a permanent increase in brown coloration of the iris
  • eye infection: discharge and inflammation of the eyes
  • conjunctivitis: swelling of the lining around the eye (pink eye) Latisse solution and package
  • darkening of the eyelids (can be reversed with medication)
  • unwanted hair growth where solution has been applied (including unintended areas)
  • changes in vision or decrease in vision
  • allergic reaction causing rashes, irritation and swelling of affected areas

Common side effects of Latisse

  • dryness of the eyes
  • eye itchiness
  • redness of the eyes
  • irritation of the eyes or eyelids
If you end your use of Latisse, your eyelashes will slowly revert back to their original appearane.