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Nardil, 3.20 / 5 (5 votes)

Nardil Side Effects

A box of Nardil tablets.

Serious Adverse Side Effects

Nardil | Phenelzine has some very serious adverse side effects associated with it that can be quite severe, such as:
  • Cardiovascular side effects such as hypertensive crisis, or rapidly increasing blood pressure
  • Hematological side effects such as leukopenia, an abnormally low amount of white blood cells
  • Hepatic side effects such as sometimes fatal hepatic necrosis, or serious damage to the liver
  • Neurological side effects such as seizures
  • Psychiatric side effects such as worsening depression, suicidal thoughts
  • Respiratory side effects such as edema of glottis, or the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues of the larynx

Common Adverse Side Effects

Nardil | Phenelzine has some more common and less severe adverse side effects, such as:
  • Cardiovascular side effects such as head rush
  • Endocrine metabolic side effects such as weight gain
  • Gastrointestinal side effects such as abdominal discomfort, constipation, and dry mouth
  • Hepatic side effects such as increased liver aminotransferase levels, an indicator of liver damage
  • Neurological side effects such as weakness, dizziness, difficulty with sleep, headache, and drowsiness
  • Reproductive side effects such as disorder of ejaculation, impotence, or inability to orgasm
  • Other side effects such as fatigue