Nardil Side Effects
Serious Adverse Side Effects
Nardil | Phenelzine has some very serious adverse side effects associated with it that can be quite severe, such as:
- Cardiovascular side effects such as hypertensive crisis, or rapidly increasing blood pressure
- Hematological side effects such as leukopenia, an abnormally low amount of white blood cells
- Hepatic side effects such as sometimes fatal hepatic necrosis, or serious damage to the liver
- Neurological side effects such as seizures
- Psychiatric side effects such as worsening depression, suicidal thoughts
- Respiratory side effects such as edema of glottis, or the accumulation of fluid in the soft tissues of the larynx
Common Adverse Side Effects
Nardil | Phenelzine has some more common and less severe adverse side effects, such as:
- Cardiovascular side effects such as head rush
- Endocrine metabolic side effects such as weight gain
- Gastrointestinal side effects such as abdominal discomfort, constipation, and dry mouth
- Hepatic side effects such as increased liver aminotransferase levels, an indicator of liver damage
- Neurological side effects such as weakness, dizziness, difficulty with sleep, headache, and drowsiness
- Reproductive side effects such as disorder of ejaculation, impotence, or inability to orgasm
- Other side effects such as fatigue
Warnings & Recalls for Nardil
Black Box Warning
Antidepressants such as
Nardil | Phenelzine increase the risk of suicidal behaviors and thoughts in children, adolescents and young adults who display symptoms of major depression or other psychiatric disorders. Families and caregivers should be mindful of the need to monitor patients for exhibiting this kind of behavior. It is worth noting that
Nardil | Phenelzine isn’t approved for use in pediatric patients.
Nardil | Phenelzine is contraindicated in the following patients:
- Concurrent use within 14 days of other MAO inhibitors
- Concurrent use with SSRIs within 14 days
- Concurrent use with bupropion hydrochloride within 14 days
- Concurrent use within 14 days of buspirone
- Concurrent use with central nervous system depressants including alcohol and narcotics
- Concurrent use with dextromethorphan
- Concurrent use with meperidine
- Concurrent use with guanethidine, methyldopa, L-dopa, L-tyrosine, or phenylalanine
- Concurrent use with sympathomimetic drugs like amphetamines, cocaine, methylphenidate, epinephrine, norepinephrine, or dopamine
- Concurrent use with tryptophan
- Congestive heart failure
- Surgery with anesthesia within 10 days of therapy
- Ingestion of excessive amounts of chocolate or coffee
- Ingestion of foods with high tyramine content, (cheese, beer, wine, pickled herring, yogurt, liver, and yeast extract)
- Liver disease or abnormal liver function
- Hypersensitivity to phenelzine
- Pheochromocytoma
- Kidney disease or kidney impairment
Who Should Not Take This Drug
The following patients should never take this drug:
- Suicidal patients
- Patients with diabetes mellitus
- Patients who are epileptics
- Elongation of therapy
- Patients with hypertensive crises
- Patients with schizophrenia
Nardil Treatment and Use
Nardil | Phenelzine is a prescription drug used as an antidepressant and anxiolytic. Its drug classification is that of a non-selective and irreversible monoamine oxidase inhibitor, or MAOI of the hydrazine class. Nardil | Phenelzine is used for the treatment of major depressive disorder, specifically for patients who’ve got a history of “atypical”, “neurotic” or “nonendogenous” depressive behavior. This medication has been found to be effective in patients who usually don’t receive adequate care from other prescriptions.
Non-FDA labeled uses for this drug include:
See the “Warnings and Recalls” tab to get the “black box” warning information about this drug.
How This Drug Works
Nardil | Phenelzine, a derivative from the hydrazine class, is known to be a potent MAOI. Although there isn’t that much known about its mechanism of action, it is suggested that its clinical effects on patients who take it may be due to inhibition of MAO, other pharmacological actions, or at least a mix of both.
Other Names for Nardil
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Lawsuits & Legal Information for Nardil
Partha Choudhury
Posted on Nov 6, 2012